Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Whenever, Wherever, Whatever

I was sitting here watching re-runs of the game and I heard Maxwell's "Whenever, wherever, whatever." This song is so fly to me. It fits this cold icy weather. This is one of those cuddle up on the bed or by the fire jams. I had to stop and give you my 2 cents. It's hard finding that special girl that can fill this void. Either Im too busy catering to myself that I miss opportunities to get with "HER" or.... IDK. This song just makes me wish I had a girlfriend. It's all good though! ;) I hope my friends at central keep it safe today. (In All Areas) SN: "The Game" is like our generations version of "A Different World." (Just a Thought)

D.MaL The World Famous

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Danny Boy

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Durham, NORTH CAROLINA, United States
Full-Time Music Industry Major at North Carolina Central University and Intern at Universal Music Group/Def Jam. C.E.O of my independent label Top Quality Music Group.